Beacon Awarded 23 + 24 INC 5000, 23 + 24 Communicator Awards in Healthcare + Construction Best Website, UX + Visual Appeal

Jeremiah Blanchard

Content Marketing Lead

Once a lone wolf prowling the freelance world, Jeremiah brings to Beacon 15 years of content creation and copywriting experience. As an artist and deep thinker, Jeremiah brings an artful mindset to the Beacon team and strives to create personal, memorable work that will be valuable long after publication.

Forever the traveler, Jeremiah has lived in places like Tulsa, New Orleans, Biloxi, Houston, San Diego, Denver, Manitou Springs, and Brasher Falls, NY. According to him, his undying want to travel has allowed him to better understand life’s many nuances up close. And as one who enjoys adventure and searching for deeper meaning in life, his favorite book is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. 

Jeremiah has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Southern Mississippi and is a big fan of science fiction, fantasy, skateboarding, and anything Marvel-related. And when not creating blogs or web content for Beacon, he spends his time chasing around his son, trimming his beard, or writing other great things that nobody will probably ever read.

Some recent work by Jeremiah can be found here –