Beacon Awarded 23 + 24 INC 5000, 23 + 24 Communicator Awards in Healthcare + Construction Best Website, UX + Visual Appeal


7 Behavioral Health Marketing Campaign Ideas to Kick Off the New Year

We’ve all heard it before: “New Year, New Me!” Maybe it’s even part of your latest social campaign. But while many of us focus on eating healthy, going to the gym, or spending less time online, what often goes overlooked is attending to our mental and behavioral health. As we step into a new year,…

Navigating Wellness: The Art of Behavioral Health Website Design

In the digital age, where we’re so accustomed to information being a short click away, a well-designed website becomes a crucial gateway to generating new client growth — especially in the world of behavioral health. As such, the art of behavioral health website design goes beyond aesthetics; it involves creating a user-friendly and empathetic virtual…

From Gratitude to Growth: How Practicing Thankfulness Can Elevate Your Recruitment Strategy

By Jennifer Christensen CMO “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings” ~ William Arthur Ward We hear a lot about gratitude these days. But what exactly is the power of gratitude? How can practicing gratitude not only transform your entire perspective on life but…

Remember “Movember” — Why Men’s Mental Health Takes Center Stage in November

As autumn transitions into the colder months, November emerges not only as a time of falling leaves and cooler temperatures but also as a pivotal period for raising awareness about men’s mental health. Often recognized as “Movember,” this month serves as a platform to spotlight and address the critical issue of men’s mental well-being. If…

From Patients to Partners: The Evolution of Healthcare Digital Marketing

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the way healthcare providers communicate and engage with patients has undergone a profound transformation, largely fueled by the rise of digital marketing. And the shift from a traditional patient-centric approach to a collaborative partnership model is reshaping healthcare industry communication. We have to remember that we can’t stand alone…

Connecting with Care: How Digital Marketing Transforms Healthcare Communication

By Jennifer Christensen CMO We’ve all had that nightmare healthcare experience of waiting for hours to be seen, and then waiting even longer before your doctor shows up. Then, 15 minutes later, you’re being shuffled right out the door. It should go without saying that this is simply unacceptable — but it only illustrates a…

Empowering Patient Decisions: The Vital Role of Healthcare Marketers

What exactly do healthcare marketers do? In today’s complex healthcare landscape, patients are not just passive recipients of medical care; they are active participants in their own health journeys. And this shift toward patient-centered care has given rise to a crucial figure in the healthcare industry — the healthcare marketer. At Beacon Media + Marketing,…

Marketing in Healthcare: How is Healthcare Marketing Different from Marketing in Other Industries?

In the modern world, a marketing strategy has become an essential component of almost every industry, including healthcare. However, healthcare marketing is unique — distinct from marketing in other industries due to the complex nature of the healthcare sector. For example, did you know that approximately 90 percent of Americans search for health information via…

Five Essentials for Healthcare Digital Marketing by Mental Health Marketing Experts

Originally published by Jeremiah Blanchard, updated and revised by Sara Jokela 7/11/2024. Marketing for the healthcare industry takes a great deal of planning and internal knowledge. And while most marketers don’t hold medical degrees, nor could they perform a complex medical procedure, what we do understand at the most complex level is how to strategically…

Psychology Today Marketing: Your Profile Picture is More Than Just a Smile

Why Your Psychology Today Profile Matters Written by Jennifer Christensen, updated by Sara Jokela 7/09/24 Creating an engaging Psychology Today profile is more than just filling out information; it’s about crafting a personal connection with potential clients from the first click. In this guide, we’ll dive into the nuances of a standout profile that not…

Leveraging Local Listings: How To Increase Visibility and Reach for Your Healthcare Practice

In today’s digitally connected world, the success of any healthcare practice relies heavily on its local online visibility. For example, did you know that over 46 percent of Google searches are local? Given these statistics, it’s evident that you have significant potential to connect with potential customers by investing in local SEO efforts. Local listing…