Beacon Awarded 23 + 24 INC 5000, 23 + 24 Communicator Awards in Healthcare + Construction Best Website, UX + Visual Appeal


Remote-working survival guide for small businesses

Lots of us are working remotely at the moment. Those who can are taking their businesses online, staying home, and advising their employees to do the same. It can be a pretty big disruption to your normal workflow, especially if it’s new to your business and you don’t have any structure in place. Here are…

We may be experiencing a crisis, but crises have yielded some good things in the past

Let’s take a look at some examples. The global shutdown measures that have been implemented as a result of the current outbreak have impacted every aspect of life in the affected areas and had a ripple effect around the world. However, crises such as this have led to some remarkable leaps forward for humanity in…

How to Ramp Up Video Production at Your Orthodontics Practice

Your friendly (or not so friendly) competing orthodontics practice recently launched a video commercial on social media and everybody’s talking about it. You’ve been watching as, week after week, they share more video and get more likes, comments, reactions…and business. You know that the use of video media is skyrocketing and marketers are recommending increased…

What Is the Best Way to Blog for My Medical Spa?

“The biggest mistake I see, is that people tend to give up…SEO (blogging) is a lifestyle, it’s a practice, it’s not a transaction…You just gotta keep going, you’re building your castle, you’re building your moat, it’s going to take time.” – Sarah Bird, CEO of Moz Ready to start blogging for your medical spa but not sure…

3 Things to Know About Google Advertising for Your Medical Spa

Thinking about launching a Google advertising campaign for your medical spa? We love that idea! Here’s why: Google has the largest market share of any search engine in the world, for a total of 1.17 billion people, or 77% of all search engine users. To put it plainly, if you want to capture your target audience where they are searching online, Google is the way to go.

Stand Out In The Medical Industry, Target Your Facebook Ads.

The medical industry can be saturated with competition, making it difficult to stand out. Facebook is an effective marketing platform however, your company’s page may get lost in all of its clutter. Cut through all of the noise and reach your audience by creating Targeted Facebook ads. We can narrow down what type of patient the…

How can High Converting Landing Pages Help Your Medical Practice?

What is a landing page and how can it benefit your medical practice’s website? You may have a beautifully crafted website that contains valuable content and educational blogs; however, it is easy for visitors to get lost in all the noise. Creating landing pages is the best way to avoid visitors bouncing off of your website.…

Does Inbound Marketing Work for Medical Practice Marketing?

As an Inbound Marketing Agency, we are often asked if inbound marketing works for medical practices and physicians. It is generally known that consumers have embraced the internet as a place to research products and services before making a buying decision. Think about the last important purchase you have made. Did your research start on…