ANCHORAGE, Alaska – June 1, 2018 – PRLog — Award-winning inbound marketing agency Beacon Media and Marketing announces the promotion of Jessica Muller, former Account Manager, to VP of Production. Her new role will focus on improving efficiencies in the production of creative work at the company. Muller is promoted just months after she was made Partner and Owner with…
Marketing Blog
Stand Out In The Medical Industry, Target Your Facebook Ads.
The medical industry can be saturated with competition, making it difficult to stand out. Facebook is an effective marketing platform however, your company’s page may get lost in all of its clutter. Cut through all of the noise and reach your audience by creating Targeted Facebook ads. We can narrow down what type of patient the…
5 Tips to Stand Out on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of the top three social media networking channels in the world and is a dynamo when it comes to personal, professional marketing and networking. Here at a few tips to help you stay on top of your LinkedIn game. Introduce Yourself Your profile picture should never be taken for granted or overlooked.…
Three Secrets To Success With Anchorage Inbound Marketing
Before we share our three secrets to success with Inbound Marketing, It’s important that one has a basic understanding of what Inbound Marketing is and how it differs from, “Old School” or “outbound” advertising. The concept of Inbound Marketing all boils down to common sense. It refers to online marketing activities that direct visitors to you…
What is Facebook Live and Can I Use it to Market my Business?
Facebook has been rolling out it’s live streaming video feature in waves for the last four months. Live let’s you connect with real-time video to your friends, fans, and followers on Facebook. It is currently available to people with an iPhone and has been available to celebrities, athletes and other verified public figures via the Mentions app…
What makes a strong corporate brand
Originally published on April 9, 2018. Updated on April 21, 2020. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.”…
Publish a Book! It’s Great for Business!
Just as factories and products dominated the industrial age, knowledge and content define the information age. Our economy is based on information, and those who know more and are experts are commonly considered to have more economic clout. One of the most effective ways to demonstrate you are an expert in your field and to put…
How Much Should I Spend on Marketing?
Fall is rapidly descending on the US, and the summer is winding down, especially in Alaska. As we all prepare to settle back into the fall routines for many of us business owners, that means it will soon be time to start planning for next year. One of the main things that should always be…
Facebook Ads Manager: What to Look for and How to Make It Work
This week, we shared a video to our Facebook page about the elements of a successful Facebook ads campaign. This blog is a further breakdown of the metrics and best practices we discussed, containing graphs and images. We hope you enjoy! What to Look For When you open Facebook Ads Manager in the morning, there…
5 Content Marketing Tips to Improve Your SEO
If you’ve spent any amount of time online, you’ve probably gotten sick of hearing that content is king, but while the phrase is beyond overused, it is still true. As Google continues to change it algorithm at the rate of 500-600 times per year in an unending quest to improve the customer experience, we end…
How to Make White Papers that Generate Leads
Inbound marketing operates on one basic principle: engage with your potential customer, and offer them value. While that “value” can be almost anything, for many businesses, it’s information. Even with the advent of search engines like Google, finding specialized information from a reputable source can be difficult. When that information is given out seemingly for…
Expert Guide to Hiring a Local Inbound Marketing Agency. Part 2
Last week I started this blog duo with Expert Guide to Hiring a Local Inbound Marketing Agency. Part 1. In it, we covered the benefits to working with an agency, scouting to see if the company is using best practices online, evaluating case studies, and specialization. Today I’m picking up where I left off and will…