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A Guide to Personal Branding for Therapists With a Multi-Faceted Marketing Approach

When you think of any well-known or popular brand on the market, you likely have a related image in your mind along with how you view that brand’s reputation. For instance, if you think of Nike, Gucci, or even Starbucks, you can probably envision their logo and your perception of the brand itself – also known as brand recognition.

While brand recognition and marketing are critical for any brand to become recognized and successful, so is personal branding. And this is because your individual presence can also have a huge impact on your business and your client volume – and be helpful if you ever want to expand your practice.

As a therapist in the mental health space, it’s just as important for you to create a platform for yourself as it is for your practice. And as you’re likely the face of your practice, knowing how to showcase yourself in the best light is going to be integral to your overall success.

But how do you develop personal branding from a multi-faceted marketing approach? And what are consumers really looking for that will set you apart from other clinics?

Could you use help with personal branding for your therapy practice? Contact Beacon Media + Marketing today for a free consultation.

What Exactly Are Consumers Looking For?

With such an emphasis being placed on policing misinformation in the modern digital era, many consumers are keenly aware that the likelihood of being misled is fairly high – even in the health and wellness space. And this is why many consumers are seeking out profiles, credentials, bios, and other content that is going to tell them your story – or at least content that will let them know that you’re whom you say you are.

For example, you don’t have to be a medical doctor to have a website claiming that you are. Though this would be a great example of fraudulent business practice, the fact remains that because the Internet is so vast and full of misinformation, you’ll want to ensure that your potential clients can trust you – and that you’re the real deal.

In addition, consumers are also actively seeking out content on social media, podcasts, blog posts, and client reviews about therapists. This is because your face and your story are important for building the foundation of trust – the first building blocks of any relationship.

What Does a Personal Brand Strategy Entail?

6 Simple Tools For Personal Branding Infographic

When it comes to personal branding, half of this is all about focused messaging. And the clearer and more authentic your message is to your target audience, the better the response will be.

Let’s face it. Most of us know a phony when we see (or hear) one. And your potential clients are the same. It’s easy to spot a fake, and it’s just as easy to spot fake or inauthentic messaging. This is why working with a marketing company can be a huge asset for honing your message and delivering it to the world in the most honest way.

But in order to have a message, you also need a platform. And this is where you can leverage your website and social profiles to help deliver your message.

A few ways you can highlight your personal brand are:

  • A bio on your website
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Blogs (written by you or professionally ghostwritten)
  • E-books and guides
  • Social media posts

All in all, a personal brand message contains a few essential elements that all work together. And these include delivering a focused message, being genuine, being consistent, seeking to create a positive impact, and leaving potential clients intrigued about you and your practice.

Once you incorporate these elements into your strategy, you’ll be setting yourself apart from the competition by highlighting all of the amazing things that you’ve done in your career – and making potential clients curious about you and what you can offer.

Enhancing Your Online Presence

We can’t stress the importance of your online presence enough. After all, it’s largely through social media and review sites that clients may hear about you, and what your practice can offer. This is why you need to not only be engaging, you need to build a legacy and leave a positive impression no matter where your digital footprints lead.

Additionally, as the old saying goes, the best PR is often by word of mouth. And as you may already know, word travels fast on the Internet.

So how can you enhance your online presence? Consider the following methods for better engagement with your potential clients:

  • Create monthly or bi-monthly blog posts centered around subjects that your target audience cares about
  • Actively post on social media and respond to messages and comments
  • Create a podcast and speak about topics that your audience wants to learn more about
  • Link to review sites and respond to all reviews – even the negative ones
  • Guest post on industry-related blogs or colleague websites
  • Speak at conferences in your local community and nationally
  • Create informative videos and host them on your website

The key is to get yourself out there as much as possible. And while going viral isn’t the exact goal, if it happens, this will only enhance your brand recognition, both personally and professionally.

Creating a Positive Impact

As a therapist in the health and wellness space, people naturally expect you to be positive so that you can help them with their problems and guide them toward better health. But before anyone is going to walk through your door, you have to create trust and establish authority. And this can be done in a variety of ways.

When looking to create your personal brand, delivering a positive impact on your community should be a main priority. And whether this is creating uplifting or helpful content on mental health issues, retweeting industry-related wins or any other method is up to you. But above all, being consistent and keeping positivity as a part of your overall message is going to be the key to attracting more clients and standing apart from your competitors.

The world is already full of negativity. But if you can be a light in the darkness, chances are that more people will take notice and naturally gravitate toward you – where they feel safe and welcome.

Create Your Personal Brand With Beacon Media + Marketing

Personal branding for therapists can be a time-consuming process. And as a therapist, it’s likely that you have current clients who need your undivided attention. This is where we come in. Because we know just how much work is involved in any personal branding endeavor and we have all the tools to show the world who you are and allow your therapy practice to thrive.

Here at Beacon Media + Marketing, we’re ready to help you craft your message and engage with your target audience by using a multi-faceted marketing approach. With our team of social media experts, paid ads experts, content writers, and marketing professionals well-versed in brand reputation management, you can rest easy and let us do all of the work to get your personal brand highlighted and set up for success.

Are you ready to get started with personal branding for your therapy practice? Reach out to Beacon Media + Marketing today for a free consultation.

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